The Benefits of Membership

455Spares and Parts

The club can assist members in locating and obtaining spares more cheaply through our contacts in the UK and USA. This is becoming increasingly useful for the older cars, where parts are now becoming increasingly hard to come by.

Technical Advice

We can provide advice on many aspects of Pontiac ownership and answer most technical questions regarding virtually every post-war Pontiac model. And if we can’t provide an answer directly, we can put you in touch with someone who can! We can also help you if you are looking at buying a Pontiac – we can help you ensure that a ’69 GTO is not just a dressed up Le Mans, or if a Trans Am has been abused all it’s life. We can also help to obtain age-specific plates and decode VIN numbers and build sheets.

Club Magazine – Wide Track News

wtnWe publish a Club Magazine, ‘Wide Track News’, which is sent out to all members. This is a WTN16+ page glossy which has details of montly meetings and events, readers rides, together with informative articles about the Club and Pontiac cars in general both in the UK and USA.

Website and Forum

We maintain this website and our Forum online. The forum is a great communication tool between members and a place where we can list and discuss upcoming events, news and all things Pontiac.

Regional Representatives

Through our growing number of Regional Representatives we provide a focus around the country for members to get together and share information


Monthly Meetings

We also have a number of regular meetings around the UK and have a club stand at many of the larger shows. We are also present at some of the European shows, including Belgium and France, and have contacts with other Clubs both here and in the US.


Liason with other Clubs and Organisations

Through our links with other Clubs and Organisations we are able to keep up to date with what is happening in the classic car industry as a whole, so we can advise about issues such as SVA, exemptions for RFL and other.


As a recognised Club, we are eligible for insurance discounts through many of the leading insurers such as Graham Sykes, Hagerty and Adrian Flux (NB this is only for current members and is NOT available for lapsed members!)

Discounts on MOTs are available at approved testing centres.

So if you want to become part of the club, you can either join online, offline or come and see us at one of the many shows we’ll be attending!

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